Social Selling Skills 2018-11-13T19:35:00+05:30

Social Selling Skills

In the new digital landscape, there is a sudden surge in selling through social media across all industries. Today. sales personnel who rely on social selling are known to outperform their traditional peers. Use this social selling program to develop your skills on social media – a key competency for employee productivity, lead-generation and increased revenue.

What It Covers

The workshop will enable participants to…

  • Use advanced tools on LinkedIn for account mapping, prospecting and list building

  • Build a buyer-centric profile for strong personal branding on LinkedIn

  • Use advanced LinkedIn search for finding HNI clients

  • Find triggers to sell faster in B2B space

  • Strategically map and follow buyers on LinkedIn

  • Effectively communicate with prospects on LinkedIn

Expected Outcome

The Social Selling Skills program will enable participants to reduce the sales cycle, identify prospects faster and engage better with the clients.

What Our Clients Say

Excellent workshop, well designed to give a structure and processes about the channel recruitment, channel engagement and motivational techniques to build relationship with distributors. I feel it will improve my approach of working with channel partners.

Leading Life Science Research Company, Channel Sales Manager

The program content gives actionable and easy to implement concepts. Well-designed to address the challenges and highlighted the relevant data which provoke the thought process and lead to the intense discussion.

Leading Automobile Company, Sales Manager

The workshop was extremely practical. Examples shared were very grounded and relatable. The concepts were simple and easy to implement.

Leading Science Technology Company, Sales Manager

It has been a wonderful experience with reference to improving myself on my sales skills, people management skills and makes a more confident person to go out in market and represent myself & the brand.

Leading Multinational Financial Services Holding Company, Asst. Vice President

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